
Strengthen your local business and help other businesses succeed by joining MyCity.biz

Join MyCity.biz, and let’s map out the Micro and SME’s local ecosystem and work together! Share your local knowledge to help other entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive.

As a small business, you can sometimes feel like a tiny island floating in the middle of a vast ocean. But you’re actually part of an archipelago – and we want to help you discover as much as possible to help you succeed in the local ecosystem.

We have decided to undertake a very audacious task:  Map out the Local Micro & SMEs to better understand the ecosystem.

Why Join MyCity.biz

In 2020, SMEs accounted for 63% of the added value and 71% of employment in the business economy. The share of the SME sector in the total turnover is also high, making Micro and SMEs a vital factor in economic growth.
